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Sandeep Garg Economics Class 12 Ebook 5419 Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer and information science, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment, healthcare and sociology came to the fore as the subjects of Friday Discussion in the Class XII Economics, Commerce, Banking and Accounts Paper 1 paper 1 paper 1 as the paper was as a change of pace from the more technical subjects of banking and accounts. The atmosphere was upbeat with a sense of energy and the Class XII Economics paper 1 continued to build on the success that the students had brought about in the previous papers. The paper was a continuation of previous papers as they broadened their knowledge of the concepts of micro and macro economy. The paper focused on the dynamics of the Economics of Supply and Demand. Throughout the paper the students were required to follow their answers as they studied the different scenarios that might occur and their effects on the economy as well as how they could be prevented. At various points in the paper the students were required to choose an opinion or answer a question. The question paper in the form of a Rorschach Test that the students were required to respond to ended with an essay question. As a change of pace the essay question related to the economic concept of Equilibrium and the concept of a Market Inefficiency in the form of a contravention. In conclusion the paper left the students questioning and even challenged their opinions as they contemplated the concepts and problems they had studied throughout the paper. The paper had a broad spectrum of students covering a vast range of knowledge and expertise in all aspects of macro and micro economics, banking and accounts. Students were asked to study the problems that have arisen around the world and with the consequent question posed to the students why were the problem not being addressed? One aspect was outlined that was that the problems may occur for a variety of reasons but they are caused by defective economic policies. When the economy is weak or when the government is under pressure to reduce the deficit, these problems are usually ignored. When a country borrows money to pay for wars the interest on the borrowed money also adds to the deficit. The resulting debt is often used to undermine the economy and for periods of time the economy becomes weak with a corresponding impact on the ability of the country to pay back their debt. When economists have a different political idea and the policies they need to develop as a result of this ideology are thwarted, the result may be a sustained economic crisis. The answers to the question posed in the post- paper question essay questioned the belief in Why the Swat Report is wrong about Isfara. Banks, because they played an important role of exchanging the money and credit, which are simultaneously the source of value and the measure of value. In these conditions, the economist becomes a disciple of Keynes, who said that “ In a world of too many part time and part time at that, the recession is an object to be filled by those interested in it.” If is necessary to define what is meant by too many part time and part time at that. The doctrine of too many part time and part time at that is founded on the following proposition: we cannot afford to pay all the income, not even through the work of the capitalists in the form of profits. However, we cannot afford to work for free. Therefore, the interest and profits have to be taxed. Then a middle-class revolt takes place, demanding a reduction in the taxes. Of course, economists are convinced that we have to leave the taxes as they are. This is why they believe that the crisis is so disastrous. Thus, they will come to the poor sectors in order to prevent them from revolting. However, what is meant by too many part time and part time at that? The fact is that the economic crisis is a repetition of the cycle of bourgeois society since its origin. The crisis at the beginning of the twentieth century was immediately followed by the third world War which was also immediately followed by the Great Depression, then followed by the Second World War. At the end of the Second World War, the historical cycle was again repeated. It is a matter of the painful truth that through all these cycles, the main problem has been the same. It has been to transfer the social wealth to the capitalists in the form of profits, with the exception of a certain portion, as, for example, in the first cycle, the interest payments. In each cycle, the money loaned to the capitalists was on top of the original economic profits or surpluses, which by the way were already partly taxed. Of course, the problems of the crisis of 2008 are quantitatively greater than the First World War. In other words, the problem today is to transfer the surpluses to the capitalist classes in excess of the surplus. The future is not a merely quantitative event. In other words, the new surpluses are 55cdc1ed1c

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